CE marking means European Compliance and originally it is "Conformité Européenné" in French. CE Marking shows us a product is appropriate for Europen Union’s health, safety, nature and consumer protection criterions. Product directives give us the minimum performans criterions. CE Marking is not a quality marking. It just show us the product produced according to the terms and conditions. Shortly it shows us the product is safe.
The Ministry of Public Works and Settlement enforces EU Construction Products Directive’s (89/106/EC) harmonization efforts since 2002.
In terms of our foreign trade,if this mark is necessary to stand on the product and if the product does not carry this mark, it is not possible to sell this product to Europe or domestic market.
There are two standarts for our sector. These are TS EN 771-1 Bricks , TS EN 1304 Tiles. All products covered by these standards must carry the CE mark.
Responsibilities of factories are very important.
They must establish their own factory production control systems.
Experiments should be done for every product and factory must have its own laboratory to control its own production.
Factory should place CE marking over the product,over the package or over the official documents.
Factory must create a declaration about to production performans for every prdocut and continual must check it.
Distributors can’t supply products to the market which do not carry CE mark. If distrubutor do this, referred to as the manufacturer.
Building materials must meet performance and production criteria of CE. It means also the production plan and production materials, machines must meet criteria. Starting from here, if one product has CE marking, it does not mean that everything is okey to use it at a project.
Market Surveillance Mechanism checks if the products carry CE markingor not.
Market Surveillance Mechanism depends to the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement.
Controllers can check factories, stores, building site and shops. If they find an unsuitability, first they give warnings punishment, at the second time they give penalty. And at the last they can stop the production and confiscate goods.